Blog Post 33 - The Thief and the Dogs Passage analysis

Passage - pg 128

"But you go outside so carelessly. You're obsessed with killing your wife and this other man.
You won't kill them. But you will bring about your own destruction."
"What did you hear in town?"
"The taxi-driver who brought me home was on your side. But he said you'd killed some poor innocent fellow."
Said grunted irritably and forestalled any expression of regret by taking another big swallow, gesturing at Nur to drink too. She raised the glass to her lips.
"What else did you hear?" he said.
"On the houseboat where I spent the evening one man said you act as a stimulant, a diversion to relieve peoples' boredom."
"And what did you reply?"
"Nothing at all," Nur said pouting. "But I do defend you; and you don't look after yourself at all. You don't love me either. But to me you're more precious than my life itself; I've never in my whole life known happiness except in your arms. But you'd rather destroy yourself than love me."
She was crying now, the glass still in her hand.
Said put his arm around her. "You'll find me true to my promise," he whispered. "We will escape and live together for ever.


When reaching the end of the novel, the reader sees a shift of Said's conscious and mental state through the characters and conflict that Mahfouz embeds to create a disguised character. In this passage, Nur confronts Said about the killings of innocent man he has committed - she is being honest about her feelings for Said; accusing him for being destructive, and not honoring his worth, as well as claiming that he does not love her. Through her narrative, Said displays his hubris, by not admitting or justifying his actions. This allows the reader to captivate his pride and evoke a sense of a tragic flaw in Said's character.

However, Nur does not want to leave his side, more so confides in him to change his oblivious ways - which allows Said to have trust in a 'relationship' again since his betrayal of Nabawiyya. From this, the reader can interpret the secrete bond between Said and Nur - however, the reader is able to identify his insecurities and his excessive pride (challenging the character of Said).

The characterization of Nur is highly symbolic in regards to Said's life. Her name, itself, means light which evokes the essence of innocence and guidance - in this case, allows the reader to interpret her as the central focused character in Said's life. However, Mahfouz deviates Said's persona - where he instead faces down a dark path (contradicting Nur's morals and attributes). Despite the advice that Nur has given Said, she gains more exposure towards the reader, because the reader is able to associate her as being vulnerable and lonely.

In this passage, it is evident that Mahfouz implements the heightened sense of tension between Said and his past. With this, it struct's the inability to change characteristic that Said is facing, in order to internalize his motives and create sympathy. With the way he displays his affection towards Nur, it foreshadows the future events that occurs in the novel - allowing the reader to gain more insight and understanding of Said's character by revealing his arrogant traits.

In addition, this passage highlights the significant aspects in Said and Nur's relationship. Here, the reader is able to identify Said's hubris and foreshadow his anagnorisis. This complexities develops the character of Said - which creates a psychological realism aspect (through the context and Said's character). Nur's character reflects the heightened sense of security, in regards to Said - which further allows him to reveal his emotions later on in the novel (foreshadows).


  1. Killer sentence:
    “When reaching the end of the novel, the reader sees a shift of Said's conscious and mental state through the characters and conflict that Mahfouz embeds to create a disguised character.”

  2. "Despite the advice that Nur has given Said, she gains more exposure towards the reader, because the reader is able to associate her as being vulnerable and lonely."

    I feel that what should be included within this text is how she is not only vulnerable and lonely, but how she is trying to show her love towards Said. This would be consistent with the structure of the analysis, while also showing the understanding of a new point of view.


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